Sunday, June 26, 2011

Map Downloading

The map downloading feature is about ready to be released, but figure I would have a little update for map makers on what will be required to have a map added.

  • Map needs to be at least decent (not perfect/excellent)
  • Map needs to at least have some content
  • Map needs to be hosted at a direct download link so can't be something like Mediafire ( redirects work fine though if you want stats)
  • Map needs to be packaged into a zip file without an extra folder inside of it. The map will be extracted to a folder in the map folder with the name of the map (an extra folder will result in the map not being picked up).
  • Needs a map name
  • Need a short description of the map
  • Requires a wiki page on
Anyways basically all I have left to add is a small crediting for the map author on the download screen. You can check out below what is in so far.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Does this count as first? Lol

    Looks great so far, but think maybe you could add a ratings system eventually? That'd be wonderful since half of the maps are just LoZ: Bleh. It'd hlelp sort things out a bit.

    Additionally, if you ever get around to making some script video tutorials, I'm sure you'd want to stick to basic wants, which in my opinion would be.
    -New item creation
    -NPC elaboration
    -Currency system(s)
    Of course, I know you won't have time for these for a while, if ever, and I don't plan on sitting around waiting. Javascript is just soooooo meh, curse ADHD...
